Fly Jinnah, a prominent Pakistani low-cost carrier, has initiated a groundbreaking pilot training program in collaboration with T3 Aviation Academy. The program, which commenced on June 20, 2024, marks a significant step in developing local aviation talent in Pakistan.
The initial phase of training, held at T3 Academy in Sharjah, UAE, focuses on Commercial Pilot License (CPL) holders. Trainees will acquire essential skills required for piloting commercial aircraft. Following this foundational stage, participants will progress to advanced training, including aircraft base and line training with Fly Jinnah.
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This comprehensive program aims to prepare trainees to meet rigorous international aviation standards. The Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority has endorsed the initiative, recognizing its potential to strengthen the country’s aviation sector.
By investing in local talent, Fly Jinnah and T3 Aviation Academy are actively contributing to the growth of Pakistan’s aviation industry. This partnership offers aspiring pilots access to world-class training while ensuring a skilled workforce for the future of Pakistani aviation.
The collaboration between Fly Jinnah and T3 Aviation Academy represents a significant investment in human capital and underscores the airline’s commitment to fostering local expertise in the aviation field.